Five Benefits of Hiring A Telephone Answering Service for A Growing Funeral Business

Friday, January 25, 2013

By Azalea M. Lynn

How is your funeral home business going? If your business is good then it means that you are receiving phone calls left and right. Obviously, you are not running a call center and your employees are not customer service agents. Phone calls can be such a distraction from work which is why you need to hire telephone answering services to help your business become more efficient. Here are five benefits of telephone answering services to your funeral home business:

1. Professional Customer Service- Your business is growing and you should show your customers how valuable their business is to you. Rushing to answer and end phone calls is not a way to show this. Rather, hiring a telephone answering service company to do the job will show customers how much you value their time and effort in calling you. Let the professional customer service agents do their job so you can focus on doing your own.

2. 24/7 Service- You cannot push yourself and your employees to work the entire day and night. You cannot sacrifice your rest time just to answer phone calls as well. Get your much needed rest and let the telephone answering service provider do their job. These customer service agents work night shifts so they can answer phone calls late at night or early morning. They will offer round-the-clock services and you can expect all the information to be handed to you the next day.

3. No Missed Sale Opportunities- Wouldn't you like to rest easy at night knowing that all you are not missing anyone's phone call? Choosing the right telephone answering services will take care of that for you. Since the agents will answer calls 24/7, you won't have any missed sale opportunities. You won't lose any business and you guarantee customers a timely response to their needs.

4. No Angry Customers- If the business is doing well, you will need to increase your phone lines to make sure customers can easily get through. But with telephone answering services, there is no need to spend money on phone lines anymore. The best part of this is that you won't have angry customers who spend several minutes on the line just to contact you. They will support your business more if you show them that you can answer their calls right away.

5. Highly Qualified Agents- Most of your callers are grieving and distressed customers who have just suffered a death of a loved one. They don't want to spend a lot of time on the phone. The highly qualified agents from the telephone answering service company knows how to handle such calls. They will be able to get the needed information in a short time.

These five benefits of telephone answering services can really be a big help in your funeral home business. Do not look at this move as an added expense to your company. Rather, consider it as an investment to make your company grow more in the future.

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Three Qualities to Look for in A Good Answering Service Agent

Thursday, January 24, 2013

By Azalea M. Lynn

Hiring an answering service company is a smart decision for your funeral home business. But, are you ready to start the selection process? Choosing one company to work with will be tough. These companies will try to get your business by making irresistible promises. You should know better than to believe them immediately.

Be Smart When Choosing

An answering service company's lifeblood is their customer service agents. It is the heart and soul of the company which means that clients should only expect the best agents to do the job. The main reason that businesses prefer to outsource answering services is to save money, time and effort. But placing customer's queries and request in the hands of the random customer service agents is risky. This is why you should do your homework in order to make the right decision when hiring an answering service company.

When choosing the answering service company, find out how long the business has been running. This will let you know about their experience in the industry. How many employees do they have? What companies are they working for? Read reviews and feedback about the company to make sure they are doing good business.

Top Qualities of A Customer Service Agent

Have you come up with a selection of companies to choose from? If so, you should move on and find out the skill level and competency of their agents. Here are the three qualities every good answering service agent should possess:

1. Has Great Listening Skills- A good answering service agent should have great listening skills. Angry customers or customers in a hurry do not like repeating themselves. He or she should be able to transcribe information that they receive from callers accurately. Customers can also tell if an agent is truly listening to his or her concerns. Customers want to be heard and understood and a great answering service agent will be able to convey that.

2. Exudes Confidence- A good answering service agent is confident. No one wants to talk to an agent who keeps making the caller wait because she needs to check on something. This can really put your company in a bad light. The agent should know about your business and how to handle your callers. The agent should be confident when speaking with callers. This will give them confidence in your company too. Give your callers the assurance they seek when calling you for queries or concerns.

3. Always Professional- A good answering service agent handles calls professionally even if they are talking to irate callers. In the funeral home business, callers can get pretty emotional. The agent should be prepared to take these calls and gather information even if the caller is crying or angry. Agents should always be composed yet, can empathize with the callers too.

To know if an agent has these important qualities, test her. Give her a call and pretend you are a grieving customer who is in a hurry to hang up the line. Check if the agent can accurately get information and how sympathetic the agent will be.

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